Employment Related Services

Family Centered Services
Your Family Support Specialist will help you find and maintain employment including help with completing job applications, job searches, resume/cover letter writing, and more!
No one knows better than you how hectic and overwhelming your life may be. Don't worry! Your Family Support Specialist will help you take a step back and focus on setting priorities to achieve all the small and big tasks life throws at you. Before you know it, you will set a schedule that will help you achieve not only all the things you need to do but also what you want to do.
Your Family Support Specialist will help you create a simple, realistic, and easy to understand household budget based on your unique income and spending habits. Your Family Support Specialist will also give you information on the value of saving money-no matter how large or small.

Time Management

Comprehensive Support Services
Comprehensive Support Services are the backbone of Community Action Services. If you reside in DeKalb County and are income eligible, you qualify for our diverse services!
Call or e-mail one of our awesome Family Support Specialists today to discuss our services and to schedule an appointment!
Joanne Dunbar jdunbar@dekalbcounty.org 815-217-0196
Katie Jacobs kjacobs@dekalbcounty.org 815-217-0193
Below are some services DCCA can help you with once you are matched with a dedicated Family Support Specialist:

Household Emergencies
Are you going through a household crisis? Are bills piling up? Do you have an eviction notice or utility disconnect notice? Are you homeless? Whatever the crisis may be, your Family Support Specialist will help you every step of the way to stop the crisis and get you back on track toward a successful future.
You know how difficult it can be to seek and apply for Governmental benefits. Your Family Support Specialist will gladly help you apply for benefits such as SNAP, Medicaid, Housing, LIHEAP, etc. Your Family Support Specialist will also advocate for you with any issues that arise in trying to receive and/or maintain these benefits.

Applying for Governmental Benefits
All services provided are based on your family's unique strengths, needs, barriers, etc. YOU are the one who creates the path to household stability. Your Family Support Specialist helps guide you through this transition with advocacy, support and tools to achieve your success!

Information & Referral Services

Other DCCAD Services
DeKalb County has a wealth of resources that can help you on your path to household stability. Your Family Support Specialist will link you to appropriate services that will help you complete the goals and action plan you are working on.
Community Action has an array of in house services available to our program participants. These services are: